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About Us

Trent Council

Trent Council - Founder and Lead Developer

Hi everyone, my name is Trent. I started Kondoorsoft in 2021.

Ever since I first laid hands on a video game nearly three decades ago, I have been passionate about gaming. In 2007 I built my first ever PC game, a very basic adventure called Space Explorer, using Multimedia Fusion 2 on Windows XP. After that, I was hooked, and it became my dream to build games that all my friends could play.

For basically all of the latter 2000s and early 2010s, I was burning CD-Rs and distributing games to my friends and family the old-fashioned way. But it wasn't until after I got my degree that I decided to really kick things into gear.

In my 20s, I watched the rise of un-ethical practices in video games. I thought back to all the fun I'd had as a kid, just wandering around places like Aether and Veldin, and it made me contemplate: would kids of the future be able to look back and enjoy their games the same way, when the servers die and the real-money stores turn off?

Kondoorsoft is my bleeding heart. I want to pour my passion back into the industry in a way that sees the consumer not as a bag of money and dopamine to be shaken down for engagement, but as a wide-eyed kid hungry for adventure who deserves to be inspired and respected. I hope you will come along with me on this, and inspire a new generation of passionate gamers by offering simple, high-quality, DRM-free games at affordable prices.

Jeremy Wilson

Jeremy Wilson - Advanced Technologies Lead

Hello, my name is Jeremy. In 2022, I joined Kondoorsoft to evolve the technical underpinnings of our games.

Most of my life has been filled with a joy and passion for video games. I grew up with consoles like the GameBoy Advance, GameCube, PSP, and those plug-and-play TV games. As I got older, I moved into the realm of the Wii, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3, which was probably my favorite era of gaming. I knew from a young age that I was fascinated with computers and software. So, when I got my first PC at age 14, not only was my world of available games dramatically expanded, but I was also introduced to the idea of creating a game. I am sure that Garry's Mod played a big part in that.

With those passions in mind, I confidently chose Computer Science as my college major. While I currently do full-stack web development professionally, my passion for video games has not waned, nor has my desire to create a game. I joined Trent in the early days of Kondoorsoft with similar goals and ideals in mind: to create games that capture the child-like excitement we used to have when games were purer, more complete, and obviously created by passionate developers.

Ashley Clarke

Ashley Clarke - Digital Marketing Lead

Hi, I’m Ashley, and I joined Kondoorsoft in 2023 at the behest of our energetic founder Trent, when he realized that though he could MAKE the games, he could not market them.

A true 90s kid, I spent many a year coveting my friends’ fancy game systems while simultaneously struggling to make my family PC run basic Tycoon games, and also bullying the other kids out of the way at the local YMCA so I could have a turn (or four) at the janky N64 they kept locked away in the kids room. Imagine the immeasurable joy I felt when we finally acquired a PS2 and I only had to bully my sibling for rights to the controller.

After suffering through all of college on a beat-up ‘refurbished’ Xbox 360 from GameStop, and what few games my MacBook could handle, I finally had the pleasure, and funding, to get a proper PC. Ostensibly, it was for video editing, part of my real-life marketing career. Practically, it was for gaming. Like 99% of the time.

So what better use of my time and talents than to take my years of experience advertising things like plumbing and cycling gear and put them towards something actually fun to market, something that Child-Ashley would have been thrilled to play on the limited gaming resources she had?

Cole Passantino

Cole Passantino - Junior Level Designer

Hello! My name is Cole and I have been a member of Kondoorsoft since the summer of 2023.

Actually, my game development journey with Trent Council and the Kondoorsoft team dates back over a decade now. In 2010, I was introduced to the world of game development by a prepubescent Trent, who set me up with a copy of Multimedia Fusion 2 and assisted me in the development of my first ever project, Hunting Season.

Since then, Trent and I have collaborated on dozens of asinine ventures, each more unapologetically absurd and creative than the last. It is my hope that this passion for creation of the wildly unique will shine through the Kondoorsoft team's work and will inspire others to create worlds of their own.

By playing and supporting Kondoorsoft games, you are making a stand that video games are works of passion and creativity that deserve to be preserved for future generations.

(12/23) OUR NEWEST PROJECT: Wizzerd Quest, a snack-sized fantasy RPG! Play the Shareware version for free!