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Welcome to the Kondoorsoft Mall. Here you can purchase physical copies of your favorite Kondoorsoft games. Burned onto high-quality, degradation-resistant discs, with no DRM or online check-ins, these copies make an excellent addition to the collection of anyone who wishes to hold their media in their hands, and trust that it will last forever. No licenses, no day-one patches. Just a case, a disc, and a fun game.

WQ Physical Copy

Wizzerd Quest: Royal Edition
$19.99 USD

Includes all four versions of the original shareware release of Wizzerd Quest (Windows, Mac, Linux x64 and Linux ARM) on a single Kondoorsoft DVD-ROM. Packed in a translucent orange DVD case with full-color printed cover.

In Stock. Estimated ship time: 4 - 8 Days.
Buy Wizzerd Quest Royal Edition!Buy Wizzerd Quest Royal Edition!

(07/2024) OUR NEWEST PROJECT: Wizzerd Quest 2, a small-scale retro RPG with full co-op multiplayer!